Mr. Astudillo

Michael Astudillo

Principal, ES

Mr. Astudillo was born and raised in Northern Virginia where he attended Columbia ES as a student in the 1980’s, then attended Holmes MS, and graduated from Annandale HS in 1995. After completing his undergraduate work at Virginia Tech, his educational career began in FCPS in 2003 as a teacher at Chantilly High School. For over twenty years, he has served within Fairfax County as a teacher, coach, student government sponsor, mentor, assessment coach, testing coordinator, activities and athletics director, and assistant principal at both the elementary and high school levels. Personally, Mr. Astudillo enjoys spending time with his wife and three school-aged children. He is an avid sports fan, lover of performing and enjoying all types of music, and is a passionate Harley-Davidson motorcycle enthusiast.

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