The elementary art program of Fairfax County Public Schools is exploratory and conceptual in nature. Children explore a variety of thinking processes, art forms, materials, techniques, and sources of inspiration to solve artmaking challenges and make meaning of their world. The elementary art program is designed with a sustained focus on “A Sense of Place” providing students opportunities to question, explore, and document their perception of their place in the world. “A Sense of Place” is an enduring idea that validates the experiences of young artists, helps them understand what it means to be human, and challenges them to be more empathetic to the people, cultures, and environments they encounter. At each grade level, “A Sense of Place” is explored through a different, developmentally appropriate theme.
The themes or “Big Ideas” for each grade level are as follows:
- Kindergarten - Self
- Grade 1 - Family
- Grade 2 - Community
- Grade 3 - Culture
- Grade 4 - Time
- Grade 5 - Globalization
Grading in Visual Arts
Students receive four grades for Visual Arts on their progress report. One each in the areas of Communicate, Create, Respond & Connect, and Effort. Grades can vary from quarter to quarter based on a student’s comfort level and strength with different media.
Engages in the creative process to develop artworks and express meaning
- Use planning and reflection to guide artworks
- Participate in group discussions
- Develop and communicate relevant and original ideas in artwork
Applies art media techniques appropriately to produce artworks
- Exhibit understanding of art techniques and processes
- Apply art fundamentals in artworks
- Develop excellence through practice with a variety of art materials
- Make purposeful decisions when creating art
Respond & Connect
Demonstrate an understanding of art by engaging with art history, culture, criticism, and aesthetics.
- Reflect on and respond to artworks through critical and aesthetic discussions
- Understand the connections among art, artists, history, and culture
- Use vocabulary appropriately to identify and describe artwork
- Use time for art creation
- Work at personal best level
- Follow directions independently
- Show respect for yourself, peers, teacher, and classroom
Students will receive a mark of 4, 3, 2, 1, N/T, or N/A
4 | Consistently Demonstrates | 3 | Usually Demonstrates | 2 | Sometimes Demonstrates |
1 | Seldom Demonstrates | N/T | Not Taught | N/A | Not Assessed |
Why Art Matters
Art Teaches kids to...
*respect others * start a dialogue * experiment with materials *observe * find their voice * self-evaluate * make connections * express themselves * learn from their mistakes * clean up * reflect on their work * embrace diversity * persevere * have an opinion * appreciate beauty * break away from stereotypes * envision solutions * value aesthetics * see another point of view * innovate *